Posts Tagged frontline management

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Engaging Employees

Forbes Magazine talked about that employees get very little  attention from their immediate managers.  It was talking about the mentoring aspect of management and that it is not dong very often.

Managers have a lot to do in any organization, making sure the work gets done and may feel that the hours pass quickly.  However this is essential if there is going to be employee engagement.  It has been stated, I believe by a Gallop poll, that employee disengagement costs billions.

But what are we talking about?  When employees do not feel valued, or feel they are not seen by the company, or feel the company does not care about them, well they start not caring also.  The signs of this are latenesses, increase in absenses, slowing of work, moral drop, acting like nothing bothers them, lack of smiles, complaining, and you get the picture.  It seems to be accepted to just get by or be average.  The involvement in the daily routine seems to dwindle.  So no wonder it starts to lose money.

Yet there is more to employee engagement.  The employee needs to see the value in this.  As said above – needs to be mentored, have attention, have clear goals, have someone ne interested in that employee, and be noticed.

The instrumental person in this is the frontline manager.   It is time for comapnies to give attention to these crucial managers in any organization.

From the Front Management™

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Employees Matter

What do employees really want?  Is it really just about pay though of course people should be paid fairly.  But is that what motivates or is it more about a feeling, a striving, and a wanting to know that the job done matters.

Come get updates and information on employees and all that the front line can accomplish.

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